Monday, May 18, 2009

Funny Little Thing

Sable is growing into a funny and active little kitten. After feedings, he loves to walk around (with his wobbly gate) and lie on his back to play with his hind legs. I can leave him for short periods of time on his sheet on the sofa without fear of him falling off. He walks to the edge and look down at the floor but won’t go any further. least not yet.
Because he is teething (yes, he has 4 little teeny teeth coming in), he thinks everything is his teething ring. He has a little red, felt-covered ball that is about as big as his head that he tries to chew on. He opens his mouth as wide as he can to get around the hard ball but he can’t get his mouth around it. Out of frustration, he starts to fight with it, clawing it with his paws. Too funny! LOL
After his wee-hour-in-the-morning feeding Sunday morning, he wanted to walk around the bed before going back to sleep. I wasn’t feelin’ that…I was tired. But I let him do his wobbly walk, picking him up and bringing him closer to me when he wobbled too far. When he ran out of steam, he crawled under the covers by my stomach and laid there. My plan was to wait until he fell asleep before placing him in his makeshift crib. But I fell asleep before he did. When I woke up, he was behind the bend of my knees, fast asleep. Apparently he climbed over me and found his little nook, since I had not changed positions. I picked him up, put him in his crib. He fussed a little before curling up and going back to sleep.

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