Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mr Fangs

He's no longer my toothless Gumby...Sable's got fangs and he knows how to use 'em!

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The Sock Toy aka The Bedroom Sock

Sable is growing so quickly, I can hardly keep up. He's a ball of energy, from morning thru the evening. If I could harness that energy and sell it, we'd be set for life LOL

This little guy cracks me up to no end! I created a sock toy for him for the bedroom, to keep him from using me as a chew toy while I lie in bed and watch tv or sleep. The sock toy stays in the bedroom...well until the other evening when he dragged it out to the living room to play with it. Fortunately the phone was beside me so that I could capture his play by video. Too funny! LOL I had to create another sock toy for the bed because he now takes the original into the living room and leaves it there when he's through. I've got to teach him to bring it back.